Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sweet love

I really love creating things, yet I am very critical of what I create...darn I do have to work on that.  This past month I decided to join a quilting group at Katja's Quilt Shop here in Kamloops.  They meet the 1st Saturday of each month and you get a pattern for a project plus a demo of how to put it together which is perfect for me!

This past month we have been working on a table runner and 4 little log cabins.  I enjoy the cutting and the sewing (mostly) it is the finishing work that has me bogged down.  The actual quilting and binding...I know the more I do it the better I will get but man it is frustrating in the mean time.  Considering I went through 2 full bobbins of thread on 1 project...yikes that is a lot of picking out stitches I am happy with it so to just get the binding right...I've got to learn to look at the "other" side more often to be sure everything is looking right!

I'm not quite done to show you the table runner yet but here is a picture of my 4 log cabins...these came together through the generous donations of two very lovely ladies who gave me big bags of scraps!  I think I might be hooked on the whole log cabin thing and I think I have a jelly roll just calling out to me to do a log cabin

...and a sneak peak at the colors for my table runner too!