Monday, May 15, 2017

Welcoming a new decade

Yup, it's official I have entered my 50's. After almost a week and a half of celebrating I am pooped out but feeling confident and loved as I move into this decade of my life.   I have to say there is no grief, fear or concerns I am loved by a Most High God, I understand as best as I can about the Trinity of my belief and have come to the place where even when things get hard I have a part of me that says He is with me and that He is working in it.

I celebrated with pampering and parties.  Manicure, pedicure, eyebrows a new hairstyle and a new outfit.  There were family dinners, a surprise party, a sleep over and a coffee date.  Gifts of all sizes and love beyond anything I  have ever known...the whole thing ended with a blissful Mothers day and although I had what is now the familiar ache of missing my mom it wrapped up an amazing 12 days of celebrating.

Tomorrow is a sew day and I am excited to take my gift certificates and discounts into the quilt store for a shopping trip.  And I am ready to focus on some new projects and some yard and house reno's we are going to take on.

My dear Matthew will live here through the summer, he has a 1/2 time job so his room and board will be some work for his mamma.

I am excited to be renovating my laundry room and 1 bathroom to start, yard clean up, deck repair and hopefully a wish I've had was to build a small deck in the front yard with some simple landscaping...Oh yes and its time to get the travel trailer ready too.

My health remains a difficult path for me but if I keep going forward it can only hold me back as much as is necessary.  I am hoping to write here more we shall see how that unfolds.

Thank you to all who made me feel so special these past 12 days and everyday really you keep this ol'bird looking forward to the next day and the next adventure.

May God Bless you as abundantly as you bless me