There is nothing more satisfying than making something for someone else. Oh I do love making things for me too. But there is a certain amount of excitement when you are doing it for someone else. Oh and stress too ~ will they like it? Will it be good enough to give away? Will they notice all the little errors?
The heck with it ~ just do it. I had the privilege of making a gift for a friend this week. It was a pillow for her birthday, I've already made 2 prior to this so I am starting to get the hang of it, of course just when you think you have it all figured out something new pops up but hey that's the quirkiness of handmade.
I love the planning and executing stages of making something for someone. Asking other friends for advice on colors etc. The satisfaction of completing the project and knowing you just learned something new! (that usually is everytime I craft, amazing how much stuff there is out there to learn everyday!)
The best part was when she opened it and did you know I love these colors and patterns! Yay, score! Not everyone has a positive reaction to something you make and as a note to those who have received something not quite their style ~ remember the heart that went into it. Always remember to keep your negative thoughts to yourself ~ nothing harder on a crafter than to hear what someone doesn't like about it ~ just tuck it away and don't use it if it is not for you.
Anyhow, what better way to give and to receive than to give a gift that you made. Here is a picture...not the best lighting but I forgot to take one before I left for the evening ~ I should have gotten one of her holding it ~ oh well this will have to do.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Ta-da the reveal...
Well sort of ~ you know taking pictures in a basement with no windows is not all that lovely. But that is what I have so here are some before and after pictures of the craft room. I will be spending some time personalizing things and adding a few crafty touches in the weeks to come ~ watch for a contest and giveaway ~ yup I said it a contest! Woo hoo.
Ok so here are the pics ~ first the reason I had to leave the original plan darn water anyway!:
So thankful for a young son, his friend who needed some furniture and our good friends with a busy international student ministry who took the fooseball table! It was finally ready to refill...
Ok so here are the pics ~ first the reason I had to leave the original plan darn water anyway!:
Here are the before pics of the mess I had to clean up in the other room ~ and I didn't take it at the beginning I forgot! So 1/2 way through cleaning it up I remembered to take a picture ~ so imagine it with 1/2 as much more junk:
Ok so here is what it looks like now ~ I will be putting in different lighting and like I said adding some more personalization but here it is:
To say I am pleased as punch would be an understatement ~ I only have a few things on my wish list~ better lighting ~ a heater, it's cold down here, some color on the walls and carpet cleaning ~ the carpet has seen better days but hey I am not complaining at all ~ ok creative juices start flowing! Oh and you are all welcome to come hang out anytime ~ just call and I'll have the tea on and we can create all day together...
Friday, September 7, 2012
Alrighty then enough of this lolly-gagging around it is time to get serious ~ serious about crafting that is. I actually started this week off serious, I got to work on my craft space in the basement ~ and yes I know I just did a craft space, now I am moving again ~ to a larger room! Yay! Unfortunately it was the messy room, sheesh what a mess. I did take a few pics of the before but it was already half cleaned up yikes. Once I find my phone cord I'll post some before and after pics.
Unfortunately at some point this week I over did it and ended up in extreme pain through my rib area on my back ~ not pleasant at all and ended up on couch/bed rest for 2 days. But I am feeling much better and will work a little slower now.
So stay tuned I have most of my stuff moved in, now to just organize a bit and then start creating ~ I am dying to start creating!
See you soon....
Unfortunately at some point this week I over did it and ended up in extreme pain through my rib area on my back ~ not pleasant at all and ended up on couch/bed rest for 2 days. But I am feeling much better and will work a little slower now.
So stay tuned I have most of my stuff moved in, now to just organize a bit and then start creating ~ I am dying to start creating!
See you soon....
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Summer hiatus
It is really hard to craft while summer is here... I love camping... and last year we bought ourselves a new travel trailer. Now a lot of people own these things and take it out once or twice a year but not us...if there is a block of time that will fit a camping trip into it where nothing else is going on I'm out of here! I have even learned how do drive and park it so I can go when hubby is working!
Now this year I had a small kink thrown in... you see I was overdue for my mammogram as my birthday is in May and it had gotten into the do later pile. But my Aunt was diagnosed with end stage breast cancer and it suddenly became important to get it done now.
Well long story short they found a is benign (non-cancerous) but it took 20 days from discovery to results and I will have to say that took a lot out of me. We became as a family more reclusive than normal...yikes we are already reclusive. While I struggled through this I found myself sleeping a bit more and camping a lot more. Easier to put it aside while enjoying the outdoors.
So all is well, summer continues to lay before me...not much crafting done but a whole lot of life done.
I have a few days 13, between now and our next camping trip and I'm trying to catch up with things. Crafting may have to wait a bit longer but I am already looking at Christmas ideas. So keep a watch out for September I hope to be kicking off the fall with a flurry of projects.
And please my dear friends don't put your mammogram in the to do it as soon as the card arrives in the mail and if ever you find yourself in the spot I was in please let me know so I can care and support you as my close friends did for me. A little knowledge of the process is helpful along the way and I now possess it!
Happy summer all...enjoy the "dog" days of August!
Now this year I had a small kink thrown in... you see I was overdue for my mammogram as my birthday is in May and it had gotten into the do later pile. But my Aunt was diagnosed with end stage breast cancer and it suddenly became important to get it done now.
Well long story short they found a is benign (non-cancerous) but it took 20 days from discovery to results and I will have to say that took a lot out of me. We became as a family more reclusive than normal...yikes we are already reclusive. While I struggled through this I found myself sleeping a bit more and camping a lot more. Easier to put it aside while enjoying the outdoors.
So all is well, summer continues to lay before me...not much crafting done but a whole lot of life done.
I have a few days 13, between now and our next camping trip and I'm trying to catch up with things. Crafting may have to wait a bit longer but I am already looking at Christmas ideas. So keep a watch out for September I hope to be kicking off the fall with a flurry of projects.
And please my dear friends don't put your mammogram in the to do it as soon as the card arrives in the mail and if ever you find yourself in the spot I was in please let me know so I can care and support you as my close friends did for me. A little knowledge of the process is helpful along the way and I now possess it!
Happy summer all...enjoy the "dog" days of August!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Ohhhhh look what I've found
Ok, so I have seen a lot of craft projects lately using washi tape, patterned tape. But I ran across something even better the other day and it is fabric tape...ok well really I can't see much difference between the two I love them both and they add a nice touch to crafting projects, so I used some of my "craft" money and ordered a few rolls...just a few, 7 is a few right?!?
We haven't quite got down into the basement after our flood clean up to clean up our mess yet so I am living in craft limbo...every time I go down there I am so discouraged by the mess...but fear not there is a plan...after the camping is done!
Meanwhile...any one interested in a pair of socks??
Friday, June 22, 2012
Subway art
I saw a picture of subway art not too long ago on one of the blogs that I follow and I fell in love with the whole idea. There are just so many applications for it. If you would like to see examples check out etsy and search subway art.
So my day yesterday started out with the mission to make something for a baby shower coming up and as I made my way to my craft room in the basement I was met with an unexpected disaster. Thanks to all of the rain it appears water came into my basement...right where my craft supplies are. My bookcase that held magazines and patterns was drenched on the bottom shelf and there was approx. a 6ft by 6ft sopping wet carpet, base boards were wrecked and dry wall was lifting away... sigh.
After a quick down ward spiral I picked myself up...donned shoes and went to work moving furniture and craft this room is packed as my husband has temporarily moved his office in there as I am moving into the family room with my craft stuff...but first of course is cleaning out the family room so our whole basement looks like a bomb has gone of quite literally. Sigh!
So after that was done and a fervent search for insurance papers, which I had removed from the file to copy for the bank but hadn't put back yet...oi! I decided I wasn't going to let the whole day be ruined...
So I started creating and very much enjoyed my first and second attempt at subway art...learned a few things... would change a few things but overall very satisfied with the finished product...wondering though if I should spray it with something to hold it all together and keep it from discoloring over time??? Any suggestions...ok here are some pics!
Warning...the following photos may inspire you to craft...fair notice given! :)
So my day yesterday started out with the mission to make something for a baby shower coming up and as I made my way to my craft room in the basement I was met with an unexpected disaster. Thanks to all of the rain it appears water came into my basement...right where my craft supplies are. My bookcase that held magazines and patterns was drenched on the bottom shelf and there was approx. a 6ft by 6ft sopping wet carpet, base boards were wrecked and dry wall was lifting away... sigh.
After a quick down ward spiral I picked myself up...donned shoes and went to work moving furniture and craft this room is packed as my husband has temporarily moved his office in there as I am moving into the family room with my craft stuff...but first of course is cleaning out the family room so our whole basement looks like a bomb has gone of quite literally. Sigh!
So after that was done and a fervent search for insurance papers, which I had removed from the file to copy for the bank but hadn't put back yet...oi! I decided I wasn't going to let the whole day be ruined...
So I started creating and very much enjoyed my first and second attempt at subway art...learned a few things... would change a few things but overall very satisfied with the finished product...wondering though if I should spray it with something to hold it all together and keep it from discoloring over time??? Any suggestions...ok here are some pics!
Warning...the following photos may inspire you to craft...fair notice given! :)
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Eventful days
It has been a crazy couple of days...I finally kicked my fibro flare and have some energy now to do some things...and do things I did. First off I spent last weekend camping with some lovely ladies I was brave and drove our trailer to Herald Park... I even parked it all by myself. Woo hoo.
Then arrived back home and waited 11.5 hours while my dad had back surgery it was a long day waiting for word on how he was doing. It is going to be a slow recovery but he is seeing improvement every day and we are hopeful he will have a much better quality of life now with 2 rods holding everything in the right place and pressure lifted of the nerves in his back.
Then I decided to shelf the project I was working on...I was just having too many issues and was getting frustrated so I decided it was time to move to something new. I received some cute squares from a fabric club I belong to and decided to surf the net for ideas on how to easily make something for a friend. Here is a quick glimpse...
I wonder if the person I'm making this for can guess its for her... it is coming together quickly so with the Grace of God and good energy levels it should be ready for a full viewing by next week.
I trust in the Grace of God to fulfill my needs physically, mentally and spiritually. When I am feeling poorly I don't question why me, but what can I do with this for Christ's glory. Sometimes it is a lot of prayer or encouraging others. Sometimes there is no obvious answer and it is then that I know it is to just sit and think of the things of God to think over what I can do better in my life to meet the expectations my saviour has of me. So take each day as it comes the good, bad and downright awful and remember each one can be lived out in a way that pleases our Lord. God bless you all.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Even when...
Even when fibromyalgia is getting the better of me I can still create as long as I have the supplies to couch create I can make something!
So ta da...been wanting to crochet up some of these cute owls. This is the first one.
So ta da...been wanting to crochet up some of these cute owls. This is the first one.
Just to let you know
I haven't been crafting much the past few weeks, in a fibro flare...Between keeping up with the house and doing my few errands I'm pooped out...but I did manage to get out today to pick up a few things for 3 more projects so should start seeing something soon as 2 of the 3 are couch projects!
Hopefully I'll be seeing less pain and more energy soon...keep tuned I think of you all regularly and can't wait to get back to sharing...
I shared on Mothers day at our church and I've posted my talk on my other blog if you'd like to check it out
Hopefully I'll be seeing less pain and more energy soon...keep tuned I think of you all regularly and can't wait to get back to sharing...
I shared on Mothers day at our church and I've posted my talk on my other blog if you'd like to check it out
Friday, May 4, 2012
small project and another project to be
I have been busy on etsy...looking for wool felt. A certain specific color of wool felt. It is always hard when you see a pattern and you want to use the same colors but the pattern itself doesn't tell you where they found the fabric (or in this case wool felt). So I went on a mission and found exactly what I wanted and yay! the last of it arrived today!
The top sample is a grouping of plaids and houndstooth in a variety of colors and under that is some very nice large squares of a spring sampler...I'll explain the owl in a minute. So now I am excited to add another project to my list of to do's. It is funny but no matter how long my list of "to do's" gets in this department I do not stress or is that other to do list~~ laundry, dishes, groceries etc that I could do without, it causes so much worry and stress with the way I'm feeling lately. Sigh wish I enjoyed them as much as I did sewing, quilting, painting, card making etc...
Ok that's enough of that doom and gloom. Now I'll tell you about the owl...another etsy find, have I told you how much I love etsy, pinterest and lullua, sigh! Now I'll tell ya about that cute little owl.
A few months ago I came across a etsy account that will custom cut felt for you. To my enormous delight she had this owl in pinks and blues for a babys room so I quickly messaged her and asked her to make me one with the green, brown and blue combination. Then in a few weeks I received it in the mail. By the way the name of her etsy shop is Kutz The names of the other 2 shops are retromama and Threesheepstudio. (you can click on these and it will actually take you to their shops...oh ya learned something new today).
So since I've taken up quilting I have bought a few magazines and books and I wanted somewhere neat to store them. I found this file folder box and that was adequate, but not "pretty" enough so in a moment of "ah ha" I had the inspiration for my little owl.
Ok that's enough of that doom and gloom. Now I'll tell you about the owl...another etsy find, have I told you how much I love etsy, pinterest and lullua, sigh! Now I'll tell ya about that cute little owl.
A few months ago I came across a etsy account that will custom cut felt for you. To my enormous delight she had this owl in pinks and blues for a babys room so I quickly messaged her and asked her to make me one with the green, brown and blue combination. Then in a few weeks I received it in the mail. By the way the name of her etsy shop is Kutz The names of the other 2 shops are retromama and Threesheepstudio. (you can click on these and it will actually take you to their shops...oh ya learned something new today).
So since I've taken up quilting I have bought a few magazines and books and I wanted somewhere neat to store them. I found this file folder box and that was adequate, but not "pretty" enough so in a moment of "ah ha" I had the inspiration for my little owl.
Now the funny thing is I can't just leave the other side blank, so I am working on something for that side as well. I will post it when it is done. Have a great Friday everyone and try to get some of the fun things on your "to do" list done this weekend.
Blessings Karen
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
great deals
Today was Wednesday, I received a coupon from Katja's quilt shop in April for 50% off an item to be used on any Wednesday in May so I toddled off and picked up a "jelly roll" which is a fat roll of fabrics of compatible colors I have a plan for it, but you will have to wait and see what it is.
I also managed to pick up a gift certificate for the quilting shop on the North shore, for which I payed 25.00 and got a 50.00 coupon so I shall need to make my way down there soon to see what they have in stock.
I am on the last row of my project and should have pics to share soon...of note I think I have pulled out more stitches than I've put in ~ yikes! But things are now moving along well just need some energy to finish it off.
I also picked up some sale pieces that will be great for some small project ideas I have!
I also managed to pick up a gift certificate for the quilting shop on the North shore, for which I payed 25.00 and got a 50.00 coupon so I shall need to make my way down there soon to see what they have in stock.
I am on the last row of my project and should have pics to share soon...of note I think I have pulled out more stitches than I've put in ~ yikes! But things are now moving along well just need some energy to finish it off.
I also picked up some sale pieces that will be great for some small project ideas I have!
See you soon~~
Thursday, April 26, 2012
project #3 and a happy girl (again)
My youngest is off to Calgary this weekend for a visit with one of her best friends and to attend a comic con conference...a lot of people dress up as their favorite sci-fi or anime character and my little Miss is no exception.
This year the theme is pink and the dress needed to be full and the hair, well, pink so off to the fabric store we went and online to find the wig and here are the when it comes to sewing clothes I am far from perfect...Emily cut out the pattern and did the majority of the sewing I was left with the hem...of a full rounded small task. But seeing as it is a costume and doesn't have to be perfect I am over all happy with the results.
This year the theme is pink and the dress needed to be full and the hair, well, pink so off to the fabric store we went and online to find the wig and here are the when it comes to sewing clothes I am far from perfect...Emily cut out the pattern and did the majority of the sewing I was left with the hem...of a full rounded small task. But seeing as it is a costume and doesn't have to be perfect I am over all happy with the results.
Now it is time to get back to my small quilting project...I finally bought a 1/4 inch foot and am getting much better results with my blocks. Waiting patiently for some special felt I ordered online for my next project so I'd better get a move on with this one. Have a great "liquid sunshine" day...the grass is greener, the trees are blooming...and for me up here in Aberdeen the tulips are 2" out of the ground YAY!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
All the beautiful ideas
I have completed crocheting my blanket together I really enjoyed working with this wool, it is called amazing and such a great name for it as I loved watching what color came next as I made the squares for this blanket...If anyone has any suggestions on how to take a better picture of it I'm open to suggestions I didn't like how it was pulling so much but here it is...another labour of love...for who I'm not sure I have a hard time giving away my projects...sigh greedy I suppose or just that they are things I like...maybe I have to make things I don't love so much...but what fun is that!
I chose to use a ridged join for the squares hard to see here but it is raised I liked it and thought it looked good.
Now it is back to my quilting project that hit a snag and I had to undo a bunch of it...but I am ready to try it again...perseverance...and patience that is what God teaches me every time I start a project oh and the best lesson is the joy once it is all done...I am so blessed by a wonderful creator who inspires me to create!
I chose to use a ridged join for the squares hard to see here but it is raised I liked it and thought it looked good.
Now it is back to my quilting project that hit a snag and I had to undo a bunch of it...but I am ready to try it again...perseverance...and patience that is what God teaches me every time I start a project oh and the best lesson is the joy once it is all done...I am so blessed by a wonderful creator who inspires me to create!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
I (heart) UK magazines!
What are your favorite mags or websites...I'm always exploring looking for new ideas and would love to see what inspires you too.
Hope everyone is having a crafty warm I spent the morning cleaning up my whirlwind projects of the week...and sorting through my scraps. Then an outing with my sister and now home to blog and rest...maybe work on my crochet blanket I'm 1/2 way done putting it to follow soon! So keep checking!
Oh and I'm happy to have company so if you like my spot please feel free to share my address with
Friday, April 20, 2012
One happy girl!
I have finished one of the 4 "wips" I have going...this one is for my daughter Emily. She loves...loves...loves hedgehogs...
She has been going through a hard time these past few months...being 15 is so hard and it is complicated for her with the challenges of her added mental health issues. So there are a lot of people praying for her right now and hopefully a cuddly soft pillow to hug when she is feeling not good. It is made out of flannel so it is especially cuddly...
Sometimes I wonder why life is so darn hard...our family has had a lot of struggles this past hubby's job was deleted ,our oldest child moving out, my ongoing health issues, 1 daughter with Autism spectrum disorder and another with a list of struggles including ADD, OCD, low frustration tolerance and depression. Yet I still feel God's hand in my life His encouragement and love so ever present. I could not imagine my life without my faith. It is this faith and trust in Christ that pushes me to be creative and share with others...not only my crafts but my faith in Him as well.
There is no easy path for us here in this world, the only straight path leads to a relationship with Jesus and after that you just hang on to Him as the world swirls around you. I am so blessed, yes I said it, blessed even with all the trials of life I still hold onto the Truth of Jesus and His promises to me, in that I never waiver!
Blessings to you all...
Sometimes I wonder why life is so darn hard...our family has had a lot of struggles this past hubby's job was deleted ,our oldest child moving out, my ongoing health issues, 1 daughter with Autism spectrum disorder and another with a list of struggles including ADD, OCD, low frustration tolerance and depression. Yet I still feel God's hand in my life His encouragement and love so ever present. I could not imagine my life without my faith. It is this faith and trust in Christ that pushes me to be creative and share with others...not only my crafts but my faith in Him as well.
There is no easy path for us here in this world, the only straight path leads to a relationship with Jesus and after that you just hang on to Him as the world swirls around you. I am so blessed, yes I said it, blessed even with all the trials of life I still hold onto the Truth of Jesus and His promises to me, in that I never waiver!
Blessings to you all...
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
While hubby's away...
A big huge mess happens...there are a number of projects going on here this week...nothing is completed everything is in a different stage of's some pics to prove we are busy doing something...
I am surprised at how much not fun it is to crochet a blanket together...sheesh...a hot pink dress my daughter is making with tulle to fill out the skirt and a pillow with hedgehogs and mushrooms for the same girl....
hopefully I will have some finished projects to show by the end of the week....
I am surprised at how much not fun it is to crochet a blanket together...sheesh...a hot pink dress my daughter is making with tulle to fill out the skirt and a pillow with hedgehogs and mushrooms for the same girl....
hopefully I will have some finished projects to show by the end of the week....
Thursday, April 12, 2012
I am working on my next piece, I am about 1/2 way through, just starting to sew it all together. Already I am thinking about the next one...oh my goodness perhaps I do have an addictive personality! Really what I need to be working on is a place to work where I don't have to clean up everyday...the only problem is the space I have intended on using is dark, no windows...the basement.
The nice thing is it is a big finished space...lots of room, no one uses the rec. room in our home...hmm maybe because it is dark?!? I was thinking of heading out to a window shop and getting an estimate on putting in some side windows...there is enough room between the ground and the main floor to put in 2 short windows...I know it would make a huge difference, the drawback of course is the cost...which I don't know because I never get around to asking someone who would know...sigh crazy me.
Anyhoo with my low energy levels I have decided to call my trusty friend who loves to clean and organize to come and help me get my space ready. So until she has some free time I'm off to my new work on my project...wanna peak?
The nice thing is it is a big finished space...lots of room, no one uses the rec. room in our home...hmm maybe because it is dark?!? I was thinking of heading out to a window shop and getting an estimate on putting in some side windows...there is enough room between the ground and the main floor to put in 2 short windows...I know it would make a huge difference, the drawback of course is the cost...which I don't know because I never get around to asking someone who would know...sigh crazy me.
Anyhoo with my low energy levels I have decided to call my trusty friend who loves to clean and organize to come and help me get my space ready. So until she has some free time I'm off to my new work on my project...wanna peak?
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
time to finish this up
I've been working on a knitted blanket...I have all the squares done, now I need to put it together, but here is a quick sneak peak! Stay tuned...
I also hope you all had a good Easter weekend with family and friends. I am finding myself rather "pooped" out from the whole weekend but feel a great sense of satisfaction from the family gatherings and church events. Blessings for the week ahead...
I also hope you all had a good Easter weekend with family and friends. I am finding myself rather "pooped" out from the whole weekend but feel a great sense of satisfaction from the family gatherings and church events. Blessings for the week ahead...
Friday, April 6, 2012
The Grace of God
On this weekend, whether you are a Christian or not, I hope you take a minute to think about what this weekend really is about. A man, like you and I was born on this earth to fulfill a task. A task appointed to Him by the creator of this world, the creator of you and I.
Yes this man who was perfect in life, no sin touched Him or tempted Him. He loved like no other, wept for all man kind, befriended all He came across. Was killed on this day. Why? For you and I. So that we could be cleansed of our sins...great and small ones...ones we don't even think about.
He loved us all so much that He offered Himself as the sacrifice and it is all so simple now for us to accept this gift He gave us. We only have to believe that His death happened and that in a few days He was resurrected in order to sit at God's side and speak on our behalf to God, to show God our goodness.
Wow, one day I will be there in the presence of God and Jesus and will have the opportunity to finally say thank you in person...Wow I can't wait...
But I don't really have to wait because every day of my life I have promised to Jesus that I would work on myself that I would model after Him...that I would learn to offer Grace and Mercy to others and I would strive to love everyone just as He did. That is so freeing, so amazing and so wonderful that I want to tell you about it so you can experience what I do everyday...
I look for my saviour in every part of my day...and I find Him...every day, even the really bad ones He is there with me I could not do life without Him...wanna see what it's like? It is truly amazing...come on give it a try.
I'd love to show you the way...
Yes this man who was perfect in life, no sin touched Him or tempted Him. He loved like no other, wept for all man kind, befriended all He came across. Was killed on this day. Why? For you and I. So that we could be cleansed of our sins...great and small ones...ones we don't even think about.
He loved us all so much that He offered Himself as the sacrifice and it is all so simple now for us to accept this gift He gave us. We only have to believe that His death happened and that in a few days He was resurrected in order to sit at God's side and speak on our behalf to God, to show God our goodness.
Wow, one day I will be there in the presence of God and Jesus and will have the opportunity to finally say thank you in person...Wow I can't wait...
But I don't really have to wait because every day of my life I have promised to Jesus that I would work on myself that I would model after Him...that I would learn to offer Grace and Mercy to others and I would strive to love everyone just as He did. That is so freeing, so amazing and so wonderful that I want to tell you about it so you can experience what I do everyday...
I look for my saviour in every part of my day...and I find Him...every day, even the really bad ones He is there with me I could not do life without Him...wanna see what it's like? It is truly amazing...come on give it a try.
I'd love to show you the way...
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Happy Easter
Such a powerful time of the year so many things going on...spring, new beginnings and most importantly the celebration of what Jesus did for us on the cross...just think about it. He died so that we may live and have eternal life in a place filled with other believers. The sacrifice goes beyond what our minds can even comprehend. No matter what we do through Jesus we are saved once we accept what happened 2012 years ago on a small hill. He hung and died on a cross to pay the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and then 3 days later He rose from the dead so that He can reign in Heaven awaiting our arrival...Thank you so much for loving me so much! is such a great thing to think about. While I've been busy sewing these past few days I have been thinking about who my gifts are going 3 lovely daughters and praying for them to learn and accept this great gift from Jesus.
I have made little treat bags for their "goodies" for Sunday. They were very easy to make and a lot of fun...I used some of the "new" quilting knowledge I have acquired and am looking forward to my next...more quilty project!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
worth the wait
Well here it is my first quilt project. It is no where near perfect...just like me. But it is something I am proud of even with all of its flaws...Just like Jesus feels about me. He loves me regardless of all my flaws. Such a great feeling to know.
The stars are looking ok!
Finished product...we learned 3 styles of quilting, stars, rails and blocks!
Now it is on to the next project...stay tuned I don't think it will be too long in coming!
Monday, April 2, 2012
A new beginning
I follow many women who have more than one blog so I thought...hey I can barely keep up with one just think of how much fun two will be! The intention for this blog is to share the crafts I make and the new things I learn during my walk with my saviour Jesus.
I just thought I'd like a place to put my 2 favorite things here goes.
I am working on my first "project" to post here so keep your eyes open!
My bible quote for the day is: I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Phillipians 4:13. This past week was a crazy one for me I took a quilting class that was over 3 days from 9-4. With my fibro this is not something I would normally take on. Knowing what the consequences might be with 3 busy days I accepted the fact it might cause a flare and signed up.
Now what occurred over those 3 days was nothing short of amazing...and I fell in love with yet another avenue of craft expression. I look forward to sharing my stuff here.
I just thought I'd like a place to put my 2 favorite things here goes.
I am working on my first "project" to post here so keep your eyes open!
My bible quote for the day is: I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Phillipians 4:13. This past week was a crazy one for me I took a quilting class that was over 3 days from 9-4. With my fibro this is not something I would normally take on. Knowing what the consequences might be with 3 busy days I accepted the fact it might cause a flare and signed up.
Now what occurred over those 3 days was nothing short of amazing...and I fell in love with yet another avenue of craft expression. I look forward to sharing my stuff here.
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