Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer hiatus

It is really hard to craft while summer is here... I love camping... and last year we bought ourselves a new travel trailer.  Now a lot of people own these things and take it out once or twice a year but not us...if there is a block of time that will fit a camping trip into it where nothing else is going on I'm out of here!  I have even learned how do drive and park it so I can go when hubby is working!

Now this year I had a small kink thrown in... you see I was overdue for my mammogram as my birthday is in May and it had gotten into the do later pile.  But my Aunt was diagnosed with end stage breast cancer and it suddenly became important to get it done now.

Well long story short they found a is benign (non-cancerous) but it took 20 days from discovery to results and I will have to say that took a lot out of me.  We became as a family more reclusive than normal...yikes we are already reclusive.  While I struggled through this I found myself sleeping a bit more and camping a lot more.  Easier to put it aside while enjoying the outdoors.

So all is well, summer continues to lay before me...not much crafting done but a whole lot of life done.

I have a few days 13, between now and our next camping trip and I'm trying to catch up with things.  Crafting may have to wait a bit longer but I am already looking at Christmas ideas.  So keep a watch out for September I hope to be kicking off the fall with a flurry of projects.

And please my dear friends don't put your mammogram in the to do it as soon as the card arrives in the mail and if ever you find yourself in the spot I was in please let me know so I can care and support you as my close friends did for me.  A little knowledge of the process is helpful along the way and I now possess it!

Happy summer all...enjoy the "dog" days of August!


  1. Thanks for the reminder Karen. I am overdue! I had a scare a few years ago too

  2. So glad things turned out alright with your results. Take care and enjoy your camping! Keep looking after yourself - you are a blessing to others.
